Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING and hope you are able to spend time with family just having fun, relaxing, having meaningful conversations, watch some football (or play in the back yard). Forget about all the retail stuff for today. Today is a day to reflect on what we have - even if it's not as much as you would like.

For my Jamberry customers, you've probably seen my Black Friday - Giving Tuesday posts on my Facebook Page, so I won't go into that today. But, I thank each and every customer and hostess from this past year.  It's because of YOU that I can enjoy "working" at this business!

For my family, even though some of us are spread out across this nation and we don't see each other often, I love you all.  I thank God that I have a good family and I'm proud to carry the Vajdak name and have Vairin blood as well. Family is so important and even though I don't have the "Hallmark" gene and get all mushy over a lot of things, I still treasure my family. I've been a single mom for over 16 years and it's tough sometimes, but I love you Colton! I do the best I can to hold it altogether and I love our little family which includes our 4-footed one, Dixie. Mom & Daddy - without your support and help over the years, I wouldn't be able to make it. Thank you!!! Scott, love you bro!

I am so thankful for my health and for Colton's. Thank the Lord, we have not been plagued with many illnesses and injuries.

I am thankful for my job for which I have been employed for over 20 years now. It's had it's trials and shakeups, but it pays the bills and there are parts of it that I do love, so I'm grateful to have it. I love doing trainings, so I'm glad to have those opportunities. For my friends that are no longer there, I miss you and I enjoy anytime we can still get together to catch up and hang out.

I am thankful for my church family. When I leave this earth, I KNOW I am going to Heaven to meet my Saviour and Lord. When times are hard, I appreciate the prayers and support from our church. I'm glad I get to help with my talents in the worship services and in social media. God didn't give me a great singing voice, but I can help put up the words for everyone to sing together and that's a joyful noise unto Him.

I'm also thankful for:

  • A home...that will be paid off in a few short years
  • A truck to get me back and forth to work, to church and to travel to see friends, family and the sights of this world - which will be paid off after the house
  • That most months, I have a little extra money above the bills. It's a balancing act, but it could be worse.
  • All the beauty in this world. Flowers, fall colors, scenic vistas, the birds that visit our property and just everything that God has made, especially the ones that most people don't get to enjoy, but I'm allowed to glimpse it. For beautiful sunrises and sunsets, for rivers and oceans, for mountains and plains. Cool breezes and being able to listen to the sounds of the night in the country.
  • Food to eat. We are lucky in that we don't go hungry most of the time.
I hope everyone will take this day to be grateful. Don't worry about the retail stuff today and PLEASE don't go crazy and try to kill each other over toys and material things tomorrow!

God bless you!