This past weekend was busy, but we had fun and it was rewarding. Friday was my Aunt's last day in town and my brother and his roommate came out. We all went to College Station to go to Fish Daddy's to eat. When we got there, there were tons of people waiting to be seated inside and out, so we decided to try a less crowded place in Bryan. We ended up at Cotton Patch Cafe and we were seated right away. I think everyone got something different. The food was really good and we had a good time visiting with each other.
Saturday morning, we got up and headed to our church for a workday. There was a list of chores and tasks to be accomplished and everyone headed in different directions. I worked with Connie and Betty most of the time trying to organize lots of books, Bibles and pamphlets into a Library. Daddy left around 11 am to go get my Aunt and take her to the Austin airport for her flight back to California. The Youth Group was providing the lunch. The kids seasoned, prepared and cooked the hamburgers and chopped the veggies and did the whole thing (with a little supervision). They even made strawberry shortcake. Yummy! For once, all the kids stayed back and let the adults go first in line. It was great! They really did a good job and we're all proud of them. After lunch, Colton and I went into town to run errands and get his hair cut. The stylist I normally use was busy, so we did our errands. We got some mulch for my front flower bed, hit Hobby Lobby, then went by the grocery to pick up items for breakfast for Sunday School (we take turns bringing it). The stylist was still tied up, so we went home and I plugged in my trimmer to charge and decided to just cut his hair on my own. A nap was in order first and then I went to pull weeds and put down the new mulch. Looks MUCH better.
Sunday morning, I got up and made Orange Danish rolls, Cinnamon Rolls and Piglets in a blanket (Little Smokies wrapped with part of a Crescent Roll). I enjoy our women's Sunday school class. We laugh and learn at the same time and everyone has a chance to participate. Our study right now is on Miracles and it's an interesting study. After church, Colton had a couple of friends (and some of the adults) go with us to eat at Genghis Grill (or what we call the Mongolian Grill). His birthday choice! The kids love that place. They get to pick out what they like - which usually ends up being all meat and little or no veggies. Then we headed over with the kids to Southern Oaks Park to play a couple of rounds of Disc Golf and have cookie cake. My Daddy even played the first round with them. After we took Colton's cousin home, we went to my parents' house and tried figuring out a game my brother suggested for Colton. It's called The Settlers of Catan. It was pretty involved, but we had fun playing anyway. Daddy won! We didn't get any caches this weekend, but it was a good one anyway.
Saturday morning, we got up and headed to our church for a workday. There was a list of chores and tasks to be accomplished and everyone headed in different directions. I worked with Connie and Betty most of the time trying to organize lots of books, Bibles and pamphlets into a Library. Daddy left around 11 am to go get my Aunt and take her to the Austin airport for her flight back to California. The Youth Group was providing the lunch. The kids seasoned, prepared and cooked the hamburgers and chopped the veggies and did the whole thing (with a little supervision). They even made strawberry shortcake. Yummy! For once, all the kids stayed back and let the adults go first in line. It was great! They really did a good job and we're all proud of them. After lunch, Colton and I went into town to run errands and get his hair cut. The stylist I normally use was busy, so we did our errands. We got some mulch for my front flower bed, hit Hobby Lobby, then went by the grocery to pick up items for breakfast for Sunday School (we take turns bringing it). The stylist was still tied up, so we went home and I plugged in my trimmer to charge and decided to just cut his hair on my own. A nap was in order first and then I went to pull weeds and put down the new mulch. Looks MUCH better.
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Birthday boy and Grandpa |